Too many clubs in lurgan?
(This was written last year, but change a word or two and it will do, the fact that two Lurgan clubs will compete this year in a senior final for the first time since 1968 is a credit to all of the clubs, all those blitzes, parish cups intense local competition
well done everyone in all of the clubs)
Only a few short years ago there were no lurgan clubs in division one. North Armagh had very few representatives on the county panel.
Lurgan clubs where having to amalgamate under 16s and minor teams just to field.
Genuine GAA people could see no comeback, people spoke about there being too many GAA clubs in the town to be competitive. A lot of people also felt that it was the demise of GAA in all towns that was the cause, and this couldn’t be stopped This is a theme in the media north and south.
They argue that the GAA is dying in towns because there were too many other outlets for kids in cities. This was why country clubs ruled.
I played for a club in Dublin called Naomh Olaf they along with other Dublin clubs fielded five senior age football teams. I plied my trade with the seconds who were Junior team getting an odd game when the seniors where stuck. Naomh Olaf fifth team played in Dublin division 13 thankfully I wasn’t that bad. The players that came and went in that club was massive in the few years I was there. In general players don’t want to be seconds or thirds players. That is why I always argued against the too many clubs argument.
Lurgan has bucked the demise of GAA in towns trend because of the amount of clubs not in spite of them. Very few if any town in Ireland (excluding cities) has as many GAA clubs as lurgan.
A few years ago when people thought lurgan would never see a senior championship again.
Every player who pulled on a jersey for Clans, Clann Eireann, St Peter’s Eire Og St Pauls still represented an area and a distinct tradition not the seconds. The young people of the club looked at their Junior champions as their heroes not the seconds or thirds.
Clann Eireann as a club looked within and built an underage structure.
when they won the minor championship, believe me as night follows day every club in lurgan and district was taking a long hard look at themselves.
Now the town excuse wasn’t washing.
Tones and Sarsfields took an early lead in the pack chasing Clan Eireann again some argued this was due to them being non town clubs natural units. Villages.
Underage success does not always guarantee senior success but When Tommy Coleman and his Clann Eireann team lifted the senior championship a couple of years ago. Lurgan’s comeback was complete, all lurgan clubs celebrated with them but we knew all clubs horizons had been broadened.
The too many clubs has been put to bed,the town excuse, put to bed Clann Eireann second team were in an intermediate semi fina.
St Paul’s in the intermediate final v Carrickcruppen
Clans v Clann Eireann senior final.
Believe me the length and breadth of Ireland people will be asking what’s in the water in lurgan. In my view yes it was clubs taking a long hard look at themselves and getting their underage structures right.
There’s more to it in that. Take a wee look at the trajectory of Lurgan football since the birth and rise of ladies football. The lines on the graph will be almost exactly parallel. Clann Eireann ladies senior and almost junior champions.
Clans narrowly beaten in the intermediate finals.
Eire Og Tones Peters and Sarsfields flying at underage too.
I went to see my niece play for the Tones in an under 16 div three ladies final last week they were narrowly beaten by Tir na Og there was a crowd there as big as a senior mens game. Clubs now take as much pride at ladies success as mens.
Take a look at the clubs on any given none match day. You will see men women and children training, taking training having a chat or watching often whole families doing all of the above. Families from different towns countries and continents welcomed to the village with open arms. Take a look at lurgan rugby club you will see the same.
I cant write this without mentioning Aghagallon,
Their minor team was well beaten in the Antrim county final on Sunday. Lads I was coaching a clans under 21 team a few years ago, we were absolutely tanked in an intermediate final. Six of them boys became men and played against Clann Eireann on Saturday night. So stick at it.
The clubs have become villages.
There’s a picture of Harry McGarry in the Clans club house. Mcgarry had the same welcome and bottle of lurgan mineral for all regardless of ability he knew it took more than footballers to build a club, he wasn’t a footballer himself. He had as much time for the kid destined for the Bs as the big midfielder
It takes a village, all hands in, all equally valued.
A rising tide lifts all boats long may it continue in lurgan. St Ronans All Ireland success with most of the team from Clann Eireann and Aghagallon was another sign post to all clubs. The schools will probably have to field seconds and thirds teams.
The grapevine isn’t just about GAA although because this is county final month it may seem that way. No it’s about anything positive in the Lurgan community.
Best of luck St Pauls in the intermediate final, im saying nothing about the senior final…
Long may the rise of the villages continue.