What has Social Media ever done for Us?

What has social media ever done for us? 

In my own page this morning I said

To all my pals on here. If you need to communicate phone me, to establish contact maybe a text and set up that communication if necessary 

If I miss the call pretend you are back in the good old days five ten years ago and not expect to be called back that quick. If it’s urgent keep phoning. 

Social media can be a horrible place

   I of course am can’t really just get off it because of the grapevine. That’s why I’m moving the actual content to the proper website. 

 To be less reliant on fb. Because believe me fb it is not really designed as a means of personal communication.

 I’m as guilty as anyone of excessive whatsapping.

   If someone is not worthy of a phone conversion why spend an hour whatsapping them back and forth? Whole families doing this not communicating with each other and not really communicating with the person they are whatsapping fb commenting Twitix messsenger several people all at the same time. 

I’ve done it myself 

   I’m trying to move to a one hour time slot where I do my grapevine fb business. 

 The website I can work away on without the phone going. 

Once you go on the phone down the rabbit warren you go. 

  Peoples personal communications using the various texting platforms is toxic as well and up till today I’ve been as bad as anyone but I’ve been realising it for a while 

  It’s coming to an end. 

Difficult conversations should only happen on the phone. 

  We are all under pressure to be  available all day everyday to everyone. 

  I was at a fantastic talk by Spug Stevenson and it was one of the areas he highlighted. 

  I’m changing the way I communicate back to the way we did it for millennia a lot of skills were built up during those millennia , seeing a face tells a thousand words otherwise you are just guessing. 

  I’ve what is known as a glass face what I’m thinking is on my face. 

That’s why I can’t go into a pub sober now, my face tells the drunk you really are boring the fuck out of me no matter how hard I try to smile, sometimes that’s good.  

I of course when I drank was the biggest puke in the pub. SIISR (smiling ironically in self recognition)

The last five years way of personally  communicating  is a horrible way. 

  Again can I emphasise I’m as bad as anyone maybe worse because I spend so much time on it for the grapevine. But at least I’m only broadcasting positive stuff. The absolute poison out there is all pervasive. Social media has resurrected acceptable racism. 

  From now on I’m using it purely to broadcast content. 

 It’s not natural to have to check four different communication channels all day everyday. 

  People also want an answer there and then again just as bad myself.

   How many meaningful personal communications can we really have using all  those channels ? With all those people? 

  I’m gonna try as hard as I can to get back to old school. Instead of dancing like puppets to communication apps.

  It is causing huge illness out there.

I’m sure if we changed our minds we could American accent “reach out” 

   Yes I do concede that fb is a decent way to share nice photos with family and old friends who are maybe immigrants in America or Australia England etc edited

Kathryn Coyle who works in the medical profession said that it’s all about finding a balance.

  Then she added what about when you’ve a sore throat. 

Then i remembered free advertising

  But apart from photos of family and old friends and club pages which are great 

And free advertising

 What has social media ever done for us? 

I don’t care how many likes I get realising now that I was an endorphin junky and it’s not as real as petting the dog after a walk