Do you find it difficult to maintain concentration for a sustained period?
For example, reading a long newspaper article or filling out an application form?. I have to be honest here, I struggle to watch an entire film or football match these days because I tend to lose track of what’s happening and miss important bits. (A blessing if you happen to be a Man U fan). Even reading this right now, I guarantee that you have an urge to scan down the page looking for the juicy bits. Annoying, isn’t it?
I am going to assume that this is a common problem because the root cause is of epidemic proportions.
Excessive screen time. The digital platforms that we use on a daily basis are slowly making us addicted to bite size, audio-visual information. Memes, Tik Toks, Gifs, tweets, Reels, emoji’s etc. This constant need for instant stimulation is rewiring our neural pathways and literally dumbing us down to the point where we now crave instant information the same way a smoker craves nicotine.
It is actually quite scary when you think about it, but the good news is, you can take back control by simply reducing your screen time. Delete some apps. Turn your phone off in the evening. If you are heading out for a few hours, leave your phone at home. Resist the temptation to binge scroll mindlessly on Social Media. Break the habit. It is not easy but it is worthwhile. I guarantee you that it will lead to less stress, agitation and distraction. I can say for sure that I am much calmer, more focused and content since reducing my own screen time.
It is the first step towards becoming more mindful. Imagine a world where you are truly present. Totally engaged in conversations and meetings and able to appreciate the here and now as it unfolds moment by moment. Free from the shackles of comparing yourself to glamorous lifestyles on Social Media. A world where you are more focused on connecting with the natural world than Wi-Fi. A world where you can complete tasks with real purpose and intent.
Sounds good to me.
A quick shout out to the Fit-zone Foundation in Craigavon. My old football friend Sean Collins and his team recently lifted the Health and Wellbeing Award at the ABC Community awards event. Fully deserved for their efforts in breaking down barriers to participation in the Craigavon area,