True Story.
Today I was added in to taghnevan residents group page.
It reminded me of a true story.
My Granda Paddy Hamill Drumlin drive in Taghnevan, kept Canaries
One he had for years was called Dick.
My wee cousin Anthony Ohagan was home from Australia for a few weeks with his mum my aunt Pauline, he was only four.
He was playing out the front of Drumlin drive.
Four year old Ant came running into my grandas house with his we Aussie accent shouting …..
“granda, granda, come quick, Gerry’s got his Dick out in the front garden”
We laughed about that for many years lol
Who was Gerry and what was his canary called?
I used to come over to Taghnevan from Pinebank on my bike for my holidays. Lots of aunts uncles and friends there.
My Aunty Nuala worked in the bakery I used to slowly walk past the twenty foot wide shop window twenty times till she saw me and invited me in for a bun. Of course not only did she see me in first walk past she probably knew I was on my way by time I cycled past drumbeg on my grifter lol.
Thank God my Aunty Nuala still with us.
Many Taghnevan legends like dick gone.
Nuala get the kettle on.